Week Six Day One Faith Builder Story

Question 1.  What qualities come to mind when you think of holiness?

We are separated from sin and set apart to God.  When we recognize our sins and confess them to God we are blameless in his eyes.

When we become children of God we will have a desire not to sin.  With a revived heart when we do fall into temptation we will recognize the sin when the Holy Spirit convicts us.  Then we can confess and move on in God's direction.

Question 2.

In the Faith Builder story the man is a pastor and always preached about God's holiness.  However, he had a secret sin.-he had an impure thought life.  He rationalized that it was something normal because he is a male.  When God convicted him of this-because it is actually a sin to be immoral in the heart-he confessed to God.  Then he confessed to his wife because he was not faithful to her in his heart.  She forgave him and was his support by monitoring the programs he watched on television and what he read.  he finally confessed to his congregation and man men also confessed about their thought lives.

how did an awareness of God's holiness impact this man and his congregation?

First it made the pastor aware of his own impure thoughts.  When he confessed to his congregation, it made 65 men aware of their impure thoughts.

It is a good idea to go through our homes and remove items that might tempt us into having impure thoughts.  Recently, I went through my bookcases and magazine racks and got rid of many items that could do that.

Question 3.  Read Isaiah 6:1-7.  What do you think it would be like to experience the awesome presence of a holy God as Isaiah did?  How does Isaiah experience give you hope?

It would be awesome to experience the presence of God as Isaiah had.  These verses do give me hope because it shows me that God is a forgiving God.

Gon not only sent his son, Jesus Christ, to free us from our sins.  He was also sent to release us from captivity from our broken hearts.

I realize that God loves me so much that he does not look at me as I look at myself-as a sinner who is undeserving of any type of salvation.

I remember a time when my heart was broken and I thought it never would heal.  I had just finished my first semester in college and knew I would not be returning because of my grades.  I had made friends that were close to me.  I would be leaving them and most likely would never see them again.  It broke my heart plus knowing that I had to start back over in a different college in a different field of study was too overwhelming.

Around two weeks after I started at the new college, my broken heart was healed.  God sent one of his servants to me who explained all about Jesus and how to have salvation through him.  While my heart was ached, God's love for me was to great to continue living a broken life..


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