Replacing Prayerlessness with Prayerfulness

Put Off Prayerlessness

Luke 18:1  Then he spoke a parable to them, that men always out to pray and not lose heart.

Put On-Prayfulness 

Matthew 26:41  Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation-The Spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is week.

I need to make it a habit of praying every day.  How much of an effort should it take?  When I wake up, the first thing on my mind should be a prayer to the Lord.  But it is usually focused on something to eat or that I need to get ready for work.  Then at night, I should talk to God in prayer.  However, on my mind, are thoughts of what needs to get done for the next day.

However, prayer and Bible Study go hand-in-hand.  Without prayer, my relationship with God isn't as close as it could be.

Any of the prayers I have already listed will be a good start in starting an active prayer life.  


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