Day 5 Genuine Love and Compassion and Kindness

17. 1 Corinthians 13:1-8  Genuine Love
 What these verse are saying is even if you preach, speak in tongues, are a prophet, full of knowledge and wisdom, are all faithful, fed the poor, if you do not have love, you are nothing.

Love is genuine.  It is not envy, pride, rude or evil.  It rejoices in the truth, bears all things, endures all things. (vs. 7)  It never fails.

a.  Do I exhibit the characteristics of true love in my relationships with others?

No.  I am impatient.  I am bossy.  I get stressed a lot of times.  I behave a lot of times in non-Christian ways.  People see me as a good person.  However, when I look at myself I do not see me as that way.

b.  Do I seek the good of others above me own interests?

I need to get out of the house more often.  When I am not working I spend most of my time in the house.  I am usually cleaning house, reading, writing,  A lot of times I don't go out because I just don't have the money.  After paying the bills,, I usually have enough money left over to cover me for gas and food until my pay day.  Other times I am trying to get caught back on stuff I could have done on the other days.  For example, I try to maintain the house on the days that I work.  However, I am exhausted many times when I get home.  It never fails. I have a sink full of dishes or several loads of laundry waiting for me.  Other times I am just too tired to do anything.  With my commute, I have no motivation to go out in my car on my days off.

I need to start thinking, however, at helping out more with others.  I need to organize my life better.

c.  Do I treat all others as valuable image bearers of God?

I believe that everyone can be an image bearer of God.  I believe that every child born is born good.  However, it is how they are raised be their parents that might impact their lives.  And it also depends on whether they are raised in a Godly community or if they live in a country that focuses on other gods.

Many missionaries risk their lives traveling to different countries spreading the good news of God.  Some people are very accepting.  However, there are many others who are not approachable.  Even in this country, there are many people who mock Christians because of their beliefs.  Are these people bad?  No, there and many non-believers who joyfully serve others.

18.  Colossians 3:12  Compassion and Kindness

Therefore, as the elect of God, hely and beloved, put on your tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another.

a.  Do I demonstrate a heart for those who are needy, vulnerable, or disenfanchised?

I am not good in this field.  There are many needy people where I live.  I can go to a store and see someone standing on the sidewalk holding a sign asking for help.  Just a few months ago, my husband and I went to Indianapolis for an American Legion convention.  Outside the hotel-it was a beautiful place-there were people sleeping on the sidewalk.  When I had not that money myself, how could I help those people?  Then I had to ask myself if I did help one of those people, what would they do with the money I gave them?  Since drugs and alcohol were the two main reasons these people were homeless, my money would be better somewhere else.

As a former Veteran, I am sympathetic towards the Veterans who need help.  With increasing cases of PTSD, my heart is moved towards programs dealing with this.  The Department President of New York State has an excellent project.  It's called Stop Soldier Suicide.  This is one I believe in.

b.  Do I reach out to minister in practical ways to meet those needs, even if it is costly or those in need are in a different demographic or socioeconomic status than I?

No.  There is no excuse.  I can be afraid of being judged since people might resent me because I am "better off" than them.

Financially I am not better off since I am struggling making ends meet.  For me to just donate a few dollars, I am always hesitant since I am not sure if I am going to need it in the future.

With so many people needing help whether financially, emotionally, spiritually where do I start?

I need to keep my eyes open.  God will lead me and show me.  I know that I would not be able to help every needy person in my community.  However, helping one or two people can make a difference.


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