Summing Up Week Six Holy People vs Hypocrites

 Wow!  Week Six was a challenge.  After going through all the Put Offs and Put Ons there are many changes I need to make with my life and activities.  I thank God for revealing all these to me.

In the words of Martin Lloyd-Jones-"Holiness is not something we are called upon to do in order that we may become something; it is something we are to do because of what we really are."

and in those of F. F. Bruce-"Christian holiness is not a matter of painstaking conformity to the individual precepts of an external law code; it is rather a question of the Holy Spirit's producing fruit in the life, reproducing those graces which were seen in perfection in the life of Christ."

Since Jesus knows what is in my heart am I holy or am I a hypocrite?

It is best to rehash between a holy person and a hypocrite.

Holy people believe in certain ways because they love God.

Hypocrites behave in certain ways because they want others to think they love God.

Holy people are concerned about being pleasing to God-inside and outside.

Hypocrites are concerned about how they are perceived by others.

Holy people have a heart to love and serve others, regardless of their socio-economic status.

Hypocrites like to associate with "movers and shakers" and the up-and-coming to enhance their own standing.

Holy people bow to the authority of Scripture and live radically obedient lives.

Hypocrites will excuse disobedience to the Word of God through the use of pious-sounding logic, while slavishly adhering to their own man-made rules and standards.

Holy people give themselves unreservedly to God and are patient with others who are still in process.

Hypocrites expect more from others than they ae willing to give of themselves.

Holy people have a humble estimation of themselves because God is their standard.

Hypocrites compare themselves to others and develop a spiritual superiority complex.

Holy people base their convictions of the standards of God's Word.

Hypocrites exalt personal preferences and human traditions to a position of equal (or greater) authority with the word of God.

Holy people are real.

Hypocrites pretend:
to do things they don't
to abstain from things they do
to love things they hate
to hate things they love
to want things they dread

to dread things they want.


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