Summing Up Week 2

"It is pride that is at the root of all other sins:  envy, contention, being discontent and all hindrances that would prevent renewal"-Richard Baxter

This is my original post.:

I am surprised that being content is also considered a sin.  I would think I should be happy with what I have and not want to desire for or be jealous that other people have more than me.  Still, even if I have whatever I want to keep me content, if I do not have God in my life, I will have nothing.

I now realize that contention is actually being argumentative.   I know that two people can respectfully disagree about something.  But when it become a heated argument, it can cause a lot of strife.

I have to remind myself in T. A. Herge's words that "humility is the displacement of self and the enthronement of Christ.  Humility means Christ is all and self is nothing."

"When the church really takes of the humble characteristics of Christ, that's going to lead to revival."-Francis Chan.

When we see a church family that goes through true revival, we will see more members go to Church because they want to and not go because they have to,


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