Summing Up Week Four

Repentance is coming to recognize sin in your life and telling God that you want to turn away from sin and following Him in a new life and a new creation.

You must be willing to do as you say and believe all the good that God is.

Repentance is important for both personal and corporate revival because without repentance you won't experience revival.

A key means to spiritual growth in humility and repentance is accountability combined with mutual encouragement.

If all Christians applied everything from this lesson, there would be fewer hypocrites at church.  More of the attendees would go to church because they want to go not because they have to go.  As a culture there may be many new  church members.

When God convicts me, the best time to respond to His conviction is ASAP.

"Repentance is not a mere feeling of sorrow or contrition of an act of wrongdoing.  The regrets I feel when I act impatiently or speak crossly is not repentance...Repentance is contrition for what we are in our fundamental beings, that we are wrong in our deepest roots because our internal government is by self and not by God."-Florence Allshorn


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