Week Two Day Three Two Kings, Two Choices.

Question 11.  2 Chronicles 12:6-7  (NKJV)

6.  Then the princes of Israel and the King humbled themselves and said, "The Lord is righteous."
7.  When the Lord saw that they humbled themselves, the word of the Lord came to Shemaiah:  "They have humbled themselves.  I will not destroy them, but I will grant them some deliverance, and my wrath shall not be poured out on Jerusalem by the hand of Shishak."

How did Rehoboam and the leaders of the people respond when they were confronted with their sin?

They humbled themselves.
They turned from being self-willed to being God-centered.
They claimed that God was (and still is) righteous.

Question 12.  How did God respond when His people humbled themselves?  How did the nation benefit from Rehoboam's humility?

God did not destroy the Israelites.  They were delivered.  This was passed on to Rehoboam's grandson Asa, who tore down the high places.  He removed everything that belonged to different gods including altars and pillars.  He turned the nation back into a Godly one.

Question 13.  Read 2 Chronicles 15.

Asa, Rehoboam's grandson, became King of Judah after his grandfather passed away.  He had a prosperous reign and did things that were right in God's eyes.

When being threatened by the Ethiopian army he called out to God and God protected him.  However, a few years later Judah was threatened by another enemy.  This time Asa asked people from another country for help.  Asa, for some reason did not trust in God but relied on man.

Why was it wrong for Asa to look to the Syrians for help agaist his enemies?

He did not turn to God; he turned to man.  If he trusted in the Lord, God would have helped him defeat his enemy.

I am very guilty of this.  Whenever I am in a situation, I do not always turn to God for help.  Since I am very filled with pride, I do not even ask people around me.  I try to figure things out myself.

An excellent example is I am waiting for two checks to come in the mail.  With the Coronavirus running rampart I realized that there would be a bit of a delay receiving them.  Still I became impatient after a while because I had several bills that had to be paid and I was relying on this money.  I should have trusted God because I got one check today and I will be receiving the other check early next week.  I need to remind myself tat God's timing is perfect and he has never let me down.

Question 14. 

2 Chronicles 16:10 (NKJV)

Then Asa was angry with the seer and put him in the stocks in prison,  for he was in a rage with him because of this.  And Asa inflicted cruelties upon some of the people at the same time.\\What evidence of pride do you see in this account?  How does Asa's pride affect his responses and his leadership?

Asa, when he was rebuked by the prophet, refused to humble himself.  Instead, he put the prophet in prison and treated other people badly as well.

As a leader he basically failed.

He became sick and died even after going to the doctors.  If he had turned to God, he would have been healed.

Question 15.  Compare Rehoboam and Asa.

Rehoboam was a king who began his reign in pride and rebellion.  He ended his reign in humbleness and humility.

Asa, the grandson, began his reign in humbleness and humility and ended it in pride and rebellion.

Rehoboan was restored.

Asa was ruined.

Rehoboam accepted God's rebuke an God's was of cleansing him.

Asa received God's rebuke as an insult to his reputation.

Question 16.  How do you typically respond when God uses others to point out areas of sin or failure in your life?  Is your response more like that of Rehoboam or Asa?

For me it is a bit of both.  There are times when I catch myself immediately.  However, there are other times when I act like a big baby.  However, after sulking for a time I return to God.  I am not like Asa who let pride totally ruin his relationship with God.


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