Day 5 Priorities and Values

Matthew 6:33 (NKJV) Priorities

But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

a. Does my schedule reveal that God is first in my life?

No.  A sample day for me is this:

I work the night shift.

I wake up around 8:30.  I jump in the shower, get dressed, grab a bite to eat and rush out the door.  I get to work and do my job.  On my breaks, I am on my phone either reading books or playing games.

After an eight hour shift, I drive home.  Sometimes I stop at the store to get groceries.

I get home and once again am on the phone either checking my banking, paying bills or playing games.

I stay up for a couple of hours and go to bed.

Wash, rinse and repeat.

The good thing, however, is I have an hour commute and most times I talk to God the whole drive.

b.  Do my spending habits reveal that God is first in my life?

I really am not a big spender.  I will buy clothes as I need them.  I might have a desire for the newest kitchen product.  I have an Instapot and I love it!  I am also a book lover but a lot of time I read them for free.

Years ago I was a bigger spender but had to stop for two reasons.  The first was having bigger financial responsibilities.  I make bill paying priority over spending.  The second is I don't like clutter.  I had to stop buying stuff so I didn't look like a hoarder.

Maybe I should watch what I buy.  If I purchase tabloids-which I don't but my husband does-that would show that God is not fist in my life.  Maybe when I shop for clothes I might.  I do not like to wear dresses or shirts that are revealing.

Maybe it is not what I buy that shows if God is first in my life but how I shop.  If I am standing in line with a surly attitude and complaining about the line moving too slow, people are going to assume I have my heart set on other things,

Colossians 3:12 (NKJV)  Values

Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness humility, meekness, longsuffering

a.  Do I love what God loves and hate what God hates?

I need to know what God loves.  I cannot just assume I know.  Through reading the Bible, I will learn about what he loves and what he does not.

b.  Do I value the things that pleases God (for example, studying Hos Word, praying, giving, sharing the gospel with others, acts of mercy)?

As I already mentioned, the Bible must be the main focus in my life.  Bible Study books will help aid me have a deeper understanding of his words.

I also love to journal.  I can sometimes read something and will get something out of it.  However, if I don't write it down, I might lose what I learned.

c.  Are my affections and goals fixed on eternal values?

I have to make a list of what is priority in my life.

For my journey of contentment, I must become aware of my needs.  Then next to each of my needs listed, I have to label how God has provided for each.

I cannot commit this lis to memory.  I must write it down and have it available for me to look at anytime I am feeling that my life is going nowhere.  looking at this list will show that I have no reason to be discontented and allow me to move further down the road to contentment.

All my basic needs, such as having a job, clothing, a house to live in and food to put on the table are not provided by me.  they are provided by God.  There was not one time in my life where I went without food, had no clothes or did not have a place to stay.  Even when I was financially low, God always provided.


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