Week One Day 4 Returning to Our First Love

Read Revelation 2:4-5

Question 12.  What had the church at Ephesus done that so displeased the Lord?  Put into your own words what it means to "the love you had at first."

They had drifted from God.  They love they had at first was the revival in their souls.  But then they distanced themselves from God when they turned to idols and other gods, got involved in relationships that God did not approve of, for example adultery and homosexual relationships and got involved in witchcraft.

Going back to basics is the best way I can describe it.  When I find that I am drifting from God, I need to go through a revival.

Question 13.  What three verbs do you see in Jesus' command?  What light does this shed on the process of revival?

Repent, Believe and Revive
It is very difficult not to sin.  There are so many temptations because of Satan.  Since he is cunning, we might not realize that we are falling in the sin trap.  Like in the Garden of Eden, he will put the temptation right in front of us and tell lie after lie until we finally cave.

Question 14.  Have you transferred your love for God to some other place?  Can you identify any rivals that could be competing with your love for Him?

Yes with my job and family.  My job can be tiring because I can work up to twelve hours a day.  I am so busy, trying to meet quotas that I am not able to spend some alone time with God.
It is the same at home.  I try to sit down to enjoy a Bible Study and my husband might want to know what I have planned for dinner or need help with a computer program or some other thing.  My daughter may need help with transportation or searching for a job.
It would be nice to have some time for myself.


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