Day 5 Pure Heart and Clear Conscience Acts

1 John 1:9 (NKJV)  Pure Heart

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

a.  Do I keep short sins accounts with God by confessing and forsaking all known sins as he convicts?

I am more aware of the sins that I have done in the past and know them for what they are-sins.  However, my day to day living is rough.  My biggest issues are my mouth and my thoughts.  I might stub my toe and let out a slew of curse words.  Since I started this Bible Study I am catching myself and am recognizing that I am sinning and ask God for forgiveness.

I am going to write down the Sinner's Prayer and leave it where I can see it and pray that prayer everyday.

I found this online:

Father, it is written in your
word that if I confess with
my mouth that Jesus is Lord
and believe in my heart that
You have raised Him from
the dead, I shall be saved.

Therefore, Father, I confess
that Jesus is my Lord/  I make
Him Lord of my life right
now.  I believe in my heart
that you raised Jesus in my heart
that you raised Jesus from
the dead.  I renounce my
past life with Satan and
close the door to any of his

I thank you for forgiving me
of all my sins.  Jesus is my
Lord, and I am a new c
creation.  Old things have
passed away; now all things
become new in Jesus' name.

b.  Am I willing to give up all sin for God?

Yes.  I pray as I come across temptations and obstacles that God will give me a kick to remind me of my commitment.

c.  Do I love and dwell on things that are true, pure and good?

Yes.  But I also dwell on past hurts and I need to work on that.

6.  Acts 24:16 (NKJV) Clear Conscious

This being so, I myself always strive to have a conscious without offense toward God and men.

a.  Do I seek forgiveness from those I wrong or offend?

I try not to offend people.I know what it is like to be hurt by others.  I was bullied many times when I was in elementary school  and did not like it.  Still, this leads to question b. "Can I honestly say, there is no one I have ever wronged or offended in any way and not gone back to that person and sought his or her forgiveness and made it right?"

The answer is no.  When I was bullied, I turned around and bullied kids smaller and younger than me.  If I could change that I would.  Moving forward I will strive to not to hurt or offend anyone.  And if I do, I will seek their forgiveness.


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