Week One Day 3 God's Love Draws Us

Read Hosea 11:1-4

Question 9.  When did God start loving His people?

He loved them even before he created them.  Even though the first sin was committed sometime after God's awesome creation, he loved his people and even promised them that they would grow into a great nation.

Question 10.  Do you thin God ever stopped loving them?

God always loves his children.  Compare God’s discipline to that of a parent.  A parent will discipline a child for doing something wrong.  This is because the parent loves the child.  He does not want the child growing into an adult who will continue doing wrong.  Sometimes the discipline is meant to keep the child safe.  For example, if the parent disciplines a child after he runs out into the street, he is protecting his child from getting hit by a car.

God disciplined his people to show his love for them.  If we ignore his commandments and he did nothing, we would grow even more distant from God.  The discipline is there to make us realize that we need God and it will help renew our relationships with him again.

Question 11.  Write a prayer thanking God for his faithful love and for His desire to restore His people when they have wandered away from Him.

I have come a far way.

I am resting in the Peace of God.
I am looking up.
God is my hiding place.
He protects me from the enemy.
He gives me Spiritual Ears
So I can listen carefully.
He surrounds me with songs.
He delivers me.
I kneel on my knees
In honor of God.
I am a display of his splendor.
I am humbled.
God walks with me
On the road to freedom.


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